Red Dot Pier - The main thing is that fast: new missile boat from the lake Balaton

Red Dot Pier – The main thing is that fast: new missile boat from the lake Balaton

About eleven meters long, 3.30 metres wide and still only 2.2 tons heavy, and with a Ballast ratio of 56 percent: The Pay of a fascinate, others scare more. Because the new Flaar 37 of Flaar Performance Sailing in Hungary is already traded this year as the big winner in the long classics Kékszalag track at the Balaton, Around the lake of Constance, the Bol d’or on lake Geneva and the Centomiglia on lake Garda.

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Latest press releases – Flaar M37 Binnen racer – Flaar M37 Binnen racer

Sie ist die vermultich schnellste Serienyacht unter 40 Fuß. Nur dafür und für Siege bei Binnen-Regatten ist die ungarische Flaar M37 konzipiert. Eindrücke von der unfassbaren Leichtigkeit des Seins. Read more...Latest press releases

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Vene – Flaar M37 – Sileän veden kiitäjä

Vene – Flaar M37 – Sileän veden kiitäjä

Pustan keskellä on yksi järvi ja sieltä ponnistaa paprikanpunainen kisapursi, jolla on vakaa aikomus kerätä kunniaa, mainetta ja mitaleita Keski-Euroopan suurista regatoista. Read more...Latest press releases

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