Vene – Flaar M37 – Sileän veden kiitäjä
Pustan keskellä on yksi järvi ja sieltä ponnistaa paprikanpunainen kisapursi, jolla on vakaa aikomus kerätä kunniaa, mainetta ja mitaleita Keski-Euroopan suurista regatoista.
Latest press releases
Vela e Motore – Flaar 37, un missile di carbonio
Nominato nella categoria Special Yachts dell'European Yacht of the Year 2018, il Flaar 37 é un racer puro lungo 11,28 metri costruito in sandwich di carbonio con anima di Pvc e infusione a vuoto di resina epossidica. Read more...Latest press releases – Hauptsache schnell: neues Raketenboot vom Plattensee
Kohlefaser-Racer von Flaar Performance Sailing aus Ungarn. Das Geschoss soll schon dieses Jahr die Pokale der großen Binnensee-Klassiker abräumen Read more...Latest press releases
Red Dot Pier – The main thing is that fast: new missile boat from the lake Balaton
About eleven meters long, 3.30 metres wide and still only 2.2 tons heavy, and with a Ballast ratio of 56 percent: The Pay of a fascinate, others scare more. Because the new Flaar 37 of Flaar Performance Sailing in Hungary is already traded this year as the big winner...